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Rabu, 29 Agustus 2007

Lowongan di Moores Rowland

Berikut kompetensi beberapa tenaga ahli yang kami butuhkan (detail lihat lampiran) :

  1. TOR17 - Comparative Study in Stds Dev.
  2. TOR27 - Training in standards development (Tech. Committees)
  3. TOR30 - Implementation of three (3) pilot projects on SME compliance
  4. TOR32 - Promotion of Indonesia testing facilities
  5. TOR34 - Study visit EU to exchange experience with natl. stds. Bodies – (translation of the documentation necessary for the visits in EU)
  6. TOR39 - Design and establishment of a working group on notification
  7. TOR41 - Train the trainer for central staff- TRADE
  8. TOR43 - Train the trainer for central staff –TRADE AND TRADE AGREEMENTS
  9. TOR45 - Train the trainer for Regional officers for WTO-TBT
  10. TOR48 - Organising (3) seminars/workshops on WTO TBT
  11. TOR50 - Developing cooperation with other ASEAN countries

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